Company Information

Company NameRegistered AddressCountryCompany Registered  NumberRegulatory BodyRegulatory Registered Number
Thomas Miller Specialty Underwriting Agency Limited UK02519540FCA312791
Thomas Miller Specialty GmbH GermanyHRB 68929DHIKD-WDHA-L8LHU-86 
Thomas Miller Specialty GmbH UK branch  UKBR023047FCA977849
Thomas Miller Specialty (Singapore) Pte Limited Singapore202008489WGIAC005940
Thomas Miller Specialty Underwriting Agency Limited Canada102049009RIBOR4105

Thomas Miller P&I Limited






Thomas Miller Insurance (Germany) GmbH



HR B 153627



Principles of Conduct for Insurance Intermediaries

To support best practice within the Canadian Insurance industry and meet Regulatory expectations for an Insurance Intermediary, TMS Canada is classified as a Broker but specialises in being a Managing General Agency. We will follow the same rules required as a broker and hence supporting the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (CISRO) Principles of Conduct for Insurance Intermediaries and the Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (RIBO) Code of Conduct.

Please find below some useful factsheets which are designed to help clients better understand what you can expect from RIBO licenced holders.

CISRO Conduct Guidance (

CISRO Principles of Conduct: Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (CISRO) Principles of Conduct for Insurance Intermediaries (

RIBO Factsheet: RIBO_Conduct_Sheet_040622-fact_sheet.pdf (English)

RIBO Factsheet: RIBO_Fact_Sheet_FRE.pdf (French)

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