Thomas Miller Specialty's Maritime Employer’s Liability (US only) product offers insurance specifically designed to provide cover for employees who may be required to operate on or from vessels from time to time but where their employer does not own or operate the vessel itself. 

Meeting contractual obligations

Maritime Employer’s Liability is particularly important in the United States for marine contracting firms who’s employees may find remedy for death or personal injury under the Jones Act, despite the employee being shore-side for the majority of time.

  • Under US federal law, the Jones Act, masters and members of the crew are not restricted to statutory compensation acts (State Workers’ Compensation) and may sue their employers for injuries sustained in the course of employment
  • This insurance is often contractually required of a sub-contractor as part of the job specification
  • Thomas Miller Specialty's Maritime Employer’s Liability can call on Thomas Miller’s global reach to support claims quickly and efficiently, anywhere in the world

Individual applications required

All applicants are required to fully complete and sign an application form to be submitted via their appointed broker to Thomas Miller Specialty. You can download an application form here or obtain a form through your appointed broker.

Key Contacts


Helge Volger

Helge Volger

Chief Underwriting Officer

work +49 40 3890739 58
work cell +49 172 450 058 4

Matt Hill

Matt Hill

Assistant Underwriter

work cell +44 (0) 7801 286179

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