In the event of a claim, Thomas Miller Specialty utilises a world wide network of correspondents. Those correspondents are selected by location and upon the basis of their expertise and professional approach to the handling a matter. We pride ourselves on using only the very best companies and personnel who are user friendly and yet focussed upon managing a matter to a successful outcome.

In the event that you are an assured of Thomas Miller Specialty and you have a claim, please notify your broker who will in turn notify Thomas Miller Specialty of the claim. On receipt of the claim, Thomas Miller Specialty will provide your broker and you with information and advice upon what next steps need to be taken. It is very likely that a correspondent will be appointed to assist both you and Thomas Miller Specialty with the matter. The appointment will be made by Thomas Miller Specialty for you in the first instance, and it likely that the initial cost of professional fees of the correspondent will need to be met by you under any deductible obligation operating under the policy.

In the event of a claim please notify your broker as soon as practicable who in turn should notify their contact at Thomas Miller Specialty. Alternatively, you or your broker may contact the following personnel at Thomas Miller Specialty at any time – Claims Contacts.

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After Hours: Araceli Payo - Valencia

Hispania P&I Correspondents

work C/Asturias 61 Bajo
Valencia, 46023

work +34 647 187 587

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Andre Perret - Balboa

Fernie (Limited) S.A. (Balboa) 

PO Box 0843

work (+507) 66173229
work (+507) 2119488
cell (+507) 2119450

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T Perrier - Port-Louis

Blyth Brothers & Company Ltd 

work FDM Complex Nº 2, Freeport Zone 21

work (+230) 483 6930
work (+230) 206 6995
cell (+230) 217 4939

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Joachim Toutou / Philippe Garo - Benin

McLeans-Wams / BMS

work 01 BP 35
Zone Portuaire

cell J. Toutou: (+229) 95 40 8697; P. Garo: (+33) 607 792028

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Capt Jaques Fono-Kamga / Philippe Garo - Cameroon

McLeans-Wams / Imarco

work PO Box 12397

work (+237) 33 109760
cell Capt F-K: (+237) 650 684407; P. Garo: (+33) 607 792028

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Alain Katsanis / Philippe Garo - Congo

McLeans-Wams / Ocean Express

work Avenue de Loango
PO Box 646
Pointe Noir

cell A. Katsanis: (+242) 0553 00358; P. Garo: (+33) 607 792028

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