Complaints Procedure

We are dedicated to providing you with a high quality service and we want to ensure that we maintain this at all times. If you feel we have not met your expectations please contact:

Thomas Miller P&I Limited

Robert Andrews
Compliance and Risk Director ‎
Thomas Miller P&I Ltd 
90 Fenchurch Street
London, EC3M 4ST
United Kingdom

Tel: ‎+44 (0) 20  7204 2014‎


Thomas Miller Insurance (Germany) GmbH

Helge Volger
Managing Director
Thomas Miller Insurance (Germany) GmbH
Neumühlen 15
Hamburg, 22763

Tel: ‎ +49 40 38 90 739 58


Whether you are based in the United Kingdom or elsewhere you may also be able to refer this matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.  Their contact details are as follows:

The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR

Help line: 0800 023 4 567
Switchboard: 020 7964 1000
For calls outside of the UK: +44 20 7964 1000


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